Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Teamwork Tips

Often in organization we talk about teamwork to achieve the organizational objectives. So, here I am with teamwork tips for you all. Well, the HR personals in the organization are smart people and they know the nuance of teamwork and tips related to it. They take every effort considering the teamwork tips they received from the seniors of the organization to meet the organizational objectives.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is the most important aspect of teamwork tips. This tip has to be imbibed very strongly in the team and through this teamwork spirit can be raised in every employee of the organization. Goal setting is the key to uniting team in organization. If every team realizes its jobs then they would automatically do well and organization would be greatly benefited from it. Therefore, teamwork tip has to be strongly emulated by the leader of the team and organization.

Avoid ‘I’

Whenever we talk about teamwork tips, the leader should remember about camaraderie between team members. At the same time he should avoid talking of the credit for the work and stop using word ‘I’. Everybody in the team should think about team than himself. Therefore, teamwork tips have to be deeply understood by the group leader.

Check Capabilities of the team

Teamwork tip should take precisely take the capabilities and competencies of the individual team member. The team’s performance would suffer heavily in case skills matching have been considered thoroughly. Tip of capabilities and competencies for the teamwork is of utmost important and leader should be very caution of this condition.

Appreciation is crux of the work

Yes, this is the most important tip for any leader. Because it is human nature to look for appreciation and leader should take care of this basic human need. If the leader falters to understand this it may happen that team would perform but they would never able to reach the zenith of the success.

Team Celebration

This tip is equally important to bring the emotional attachment with the team members.

If leader follows these teamwork tips, then nothing can stop the leader to achieve the echelon of success in the organization.

Surya Prakash Arya

Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand, India
(Views are personal)

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